Students participating in field projects







Alejandro Estrada Ph.D


  • Ecology, behavior and conservation of Mexican primates


·       Frugivory and seed dispersal by primates and other co-existing fauna and tropical rain forest regeneration


  • Tropical rain forest fragmentation and the conservation of primates, other mammals and birds


  • Potential of arboreal agroecosystems for conservation of forest wildlife in human modified landscapes














Pauline Lafforgue, Marion Jelinek, Claire Labarde.

Ecole Nationale Veterinaire, Tolouse, France. Academic Internship/Estancia Academica July-August 2008.




Study of gastrointestinal parsasites in populations of wild howler monkeys (mantled howler monkeys, Alouatta palliata and black howler monkeys (Alouatta pigra) in southern Mexico (Biosphere Reserve Los Tuxtlas and Palenque National Park).





Claire Labarde. Academic Internship/Estancia Academica July-August 2008. Ecole Nationale Veterinaire, Tolouse, France.


Study of gastrointestinal parsasites in populations of wild howler monkeys (mantled howler monkeys, Alouatta palliata and black howler monkeys (Alouatta pigra) in southern Mexico (Biosphere Reserve Los Tuxtlas and Palenque National Park).




Pauline Lafforgue. Academic Internship/Estancia Academica July-August 2008. Ecole Nationale Veterinaire, Tolouse, France.


Study of gastrointestinal parsasites in populations of wild howler monkeys (mantled howler monkeys, Alouatta palliata and black howler monkeys (Alouatta pigra) in southern Mexico (Biosphere Reserve Los Tuxtlas and Palenque National Park).




Marion Jelinek. Academic Internship/Estancia Academica July-August 2008. Ecole Nationale Veterinaire, Tolouse, France.


Study of gastrointestinal parsasites in populations of wild howler monkeys (mantled howler monkeys, Alouatta palliata and black howler monkeys (Alouatta pigra) in southern Mexico (Biosphere Reserve Los Tuxtlas and Palenque National Park).





Genoveva Trejo-Macias. MSci. student. Posgrado Instituto de Biología Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.


Comparative study of gastrointestinal parasites (heminths and protozoa) in mantled howler monkeys (Alouatta palliata) and in black howler monkeys (Alouatta pigra) in southern Mexico.





Jenner Rodas. MSci. Universidad de Los Lagos, Chile


Survey of terrestrial mammals using camera-traps in the Lacandon indigenous reserve of Metzabok, Chiapas, Mexico





Katherine Amato. BSci. Darthmouth College, Mass. Fullbright Fellow. Academic internship.  


Research: comparative study of mantled howler monkeys in the biosphere Reserve Los Tuxtlas and black howler monkeys in Palenque National Park as seed dispersal agents. 



Juan Manuel Jose Domínguez. Doctoral student - Universidad de Granada - España. Academic Internship Feb - Julio 2007.


Preliminary survey of seed dispersal by black howler monkeys, Alouatta pigra in Palenque Nacional Park, Mexico.



Celine Hauglustaine. BSci. thesis, Universidad de Liege, Bélgica.  Academic Internship - Thesis.  Feb -June, 2007


Etude du comportement et de l’écologie alimentaire de deux troupes de singes  hurleurs noirs (Alouatta pigra) au Parc National de Palenque (PNP) Mexique


Feeding ecology of black howler monkeys (Alouatta pigra) in Palenque National Park, Mexico: a preliminary study.



Genoveva Trejo Macias- BSci Thesis. Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana- Xochimilco. 2007



Study of helminth parasites in populations of howler monkeys (Alouatta palliata andA. pigra) living in continuous and fragmented habitats in southern Mexico.




Cristina Jasso del Toro. MSci thesis - Faculty of Sciences, University of Mexico (UNAM).


Habitat fragmentation and changes in the social behavior of young individuals in groups of howler monkeys (Alouatta palliata) in Los Tuxtlas, Mexico.




Fanny Gimie. Veterinary degree student. Veterinary School, Universite de Tolouse, France.  Academic internship July-August 2007


Participation in research on the socio-sexual behavior of howler monkeys in Parque Nacional Palenque.


PDF of field report academic internship


Anais Herbert. Vet degree student. Veterinary School, Universite de Tolouse, France.  Academic internship July-August 2007


Participation in research on the socio-sexual behavior of howler monkeys in Parque Nacional Palenque


PDF of field report academic internship


Projects of students from other institutions and in which Dr. A. Estrada is a member of their graduate committees




LeAndra Luecke. Ph.D student Department of Antropology, Washington University. Advisor: Dr. Robert Sussman


Population, feeding ecology and conservation of parapatric and sympatric populations of mantled (Alouatta palliata)  and black howler monkeys (Alouatta pigra) in the biosphere reserve Pantanos de Centla, Tabasco, México.




Martha Marleny Rosales Meda, MSci student, Instituto Internacional de Conservacion y Manejo de la Vida Silvestre. Universidad Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica. Advisor: M en C Joel Saenz (Univ Nacional, Costa Rica


Use of tree cover by groups of howler (Alouatta palliata) and capuchin (Cebus capucinus) monkeys in an agrolandscape and perception of farmers toward conservation of primates in Esparza, Costa Rica





Oscar Chaves. Ph.D student. Graduate program. Centro de Investigacones en Ecosistemas. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Advisor: Dr. Kathryn Stoner.


Seed dispersal by spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) and rain forest regeneration in continuous habitat and in fragmented landscapes in Chiapas, Mexico



Ana Gonzáles Di Pierro. Ph.D student. Graduate program. Centro de Investigacones en Ecosistemas. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Advisor: Dr. Kathryn Stoner.


Participation by howler monkeys (Alouatta pigra) in the process of rain forest regeneration in continuous habitat and in fragmented landscapes in Chiapas, Mexico.




Erika de la Penia. MSci student. Graduate program. Centro de Investigaciones en Ecosistemas. Universidad Naconal Autonoma de Mexico. Advisor: Dr. Kathryn Stoner.


Seed dispersal by bats in continuous habitat and in fragmented landscapes in the Lacandon forests, Chiapas, Mexico.




Tania Carrillo Juarez. MSci student. Graduate program. Instituto de Investigaciones Biomedicas. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Advisor: Dr. Kathryn Stoner.


Cortisol and stress in Black howler monkeys in continuous habitat and in fragmented landscapes in Chiapas, Mexico 



Paulina Lopez del Toro. MSci student. Graduate program. Centro de Investigaciones en Ecosistemas. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Advisor: Dr. Ellen Andresen.


Percepciones de los pobladores rurales del municipio de Cuetzalan, Puebla, sobre las funciones ecológicas de los vertebrados terrestres



Gabriela Ponce Santizo. MSci student. Graduate program. Centro de Investigaciones en Ecosistemas. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Advisor: Dr. Ellen Andresen.


Dispersión secundaria de semillas defecadas por monos en hábitats con diferentes niveles de perturbación


Other collaborations


Sarie Van Belle. Ph.D Candidate, Dr. Karen Strier and Dr. Toni Ziegler. Department of Zoology, University of Wisconsin-Madison and Wisconsin Regional Primate Center.


Social and hormonal mechanisms underlying reproductive behavior in populations of black howler monkeys (Alouatta pigra)


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