Estación de Biología "Los Tuxtlas", Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

  • Instituto de Biología-UNAM

    General resources in ornithology

    Internet resource guide for zoology

    Bird journals

    Botany encyclopedia

    Current Contents Connect

    Explorer´s Club

    Folia primatologica

    Instituto de Ecologia

    Kluwer Academic Publishers

    Journal: Conservation Ecology

    Tropical bats

    Bat photos:

    Journal: Conservation Biology

    Instituto de Ecologia A.C. Xalapa

    Map information


    Natural History Books

    Journal Nature

    Plenum Press

    Posgrado UNAM

    Journal Science


    Bat Conservation International

    Wiley Press


    Primate Conservation Inc.

    Conservation International

    Fondo de Cultura Económica

    Universidad del Mar, Puerto Angel, Oaxaca

  • Departamento de Biología de la Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM
  • Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad
  • Red Latinoamericana de Botánica
  • Directorio de enlaces relacionadas con las plantas de la Asocioción Española de Parques y Jardines Públicos.
  • Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad, Costa Rica
  • Sociedad Herpetológica Mexicana A.C.
  • IUCN - The World Conservation Union
  • World Conservation Monitoring Centre
  • United Nations Environment Programme
  • United States Fish & Wildlife Service
  • Environment Australia On-Line
  • Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago
  • Illinois Natural History Survey HTTP Server Index
  • The Natural Heritage Network Central Server
  • California State University Biological Sciences Web Server
  • Biology Department at the University of Regina
  • Biological Resource Division - United States Geological Survey
  • National Museum of Natural History Smithsonian Institution
  • PLANTS National Database Home Page - United States Department of Agriculture
  • Department of Botany at the University of Georgia
  • The Tree of Life Home Page
  • The SMASCH Project (Botany) Specimen MAnagement System for California Herbaria
  • American Association of Botanical Gardens and Arboreta (AABGA)
  • Missouri Botanical Garden
  • UC Berkeley Museum of Vertebrate Zoology
  • Biodiversity and Biological Collections Web Server
  • Australia National University Bioinformatics Hypermedia server
  • Convention on Biological Diversity
  • The Academy of Natural Sciencies
  • Association of Systematics Collections
  • BIOSIS Biosystematics & Life Science Resources
  • Biodiversity and Ecosistems NETwork (BENE)
  • California Academy of Sciencies
  • The Gordon Craig Gallery, London

General resources for project planning
Sites with significant on-line resources useful for project planners
Sites providing access to further biological/conservation related web-sites
International conservation organisations
Global environmental law and policy
Environmental Education
Sources of funding information
BirdLife International Partner Organisations
E-Mail Listservs

General resources for project planning
The Royal Geographic Societies' Expedition Advisory Centre. A good source of contacts, advice and past expedition reports. Also publish a series of field techniques manuals.
IUCN Bookstore An on-line catalogue for a wide range of specialised publications and technical reports prepared by the IUCN, its regional and country offices, commisions and partners.
Natural History Book Store Ltd.
Smithsonian Institution Press
Oxford University Press
Cambridge University Press

Sites with significant on-line resources useful for project planners

Biodiversity/Biological collections web server
Convention on Biological Diversity, Information Clearinghouse Mechanism; particularly useful sections list a) the CBD National focal points contactable for country-specific information that addresses the articles of the convention and b) the National Biodiversity Action Plansso far available which form part of this information and set out the perceived priorities for action.
Botanic Gardens Conservation International
Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology
Biodiversity Conservation Information System BCIS is a global partnership of a dozen conservation organisations who collectively aim to provide access to the most current knowledge about Biodiversity - location, distribution, trends and protective measures. Large parts of the system are still under development however.
BIOSIS Many useful taxonomically based zoological information including an abstract search and list of biologists.
Species Survival Commission Contains details of the many taxonomically based specialist groups (e.g.SSC Cat Specialist Group) who collectively publish the extremely useful series of 'status survey and action plan' documents for different species groups.
World Conservation Monitoring Centre Highly recommended for a range of information resources concerning the status and conservation of the world's biodiversity, including threatened species lists and protected area information. Also available is The Biodiversity Map Library, an on-line GIS based system giving easy access to the status and distribution of biodiversity world-wide. The National Biodiversity Profiles have a section focusing on potential for international Cupertino towards conservation needs in the selected countries

Sites providing access to further biological/conservation related web-sites
A Biologists Guide to Internet Resources
Environmental Search Engine
NRM-changelinks A useful internet node desribed as an on-line resource guide for those seeking to develop sustainable change in the way we manage our Natural Resources.
International Reptile and Amphibian Web-sites Directory
Biodiversity action Network (BIONET), lists sites related to Biodiversity policy and law.
Zoology Internet resource guide A thorough guide to Internet resources viewed by taxonomic group or subject with a searchable Zoological Record of abstracts, subject to a request of the administrator.
Internet Directory for Botany giving information and links to all aspects of botanical work world-wide.
Ecology WWW page, an exhaustive alphabetical guide.
Bioforum, is a good general directory of web-sites concerned with conservation from academic institutions to governmental and non-governmental organisations..

International conservation organisations
BirdLife International
IUCN - The International Union of Conservation Organisations
TRAFFIC (Species in trade)
Conservation International
Fauna and Flora International
World Resources Institute
The African Wildlife Foundation
World Wildlife Fund for nature
The Earthwatch Institute

Global environmental law and policy

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Global Environment Facility
Convention on Migratory Species
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)
Commission on Ecosystems management
IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas
IUCN Environmental Law Programme
Convention on Biological Diversity
Virtual Global Biodiversity Forum Gives access to GBF (designed to contribute to the development and implementation of the CBD) discussion information and allows direct contribution to current areas of debate.


The International Organisation for Plant Information
Royal Botanic Gardens Kew
Missouri Botanical Garden
Species Survival Commission Plant Conservation Sub-committee
Medicinal plant specialist group
Centre for Plant Conservation

The Neotropical Bird Club Provides funding for native Latin-American members of teams undertaking conservation projects in the Neotropics.
The African Bird Club provides funding for teams undertaking conservation projects in Africa.
The Oriental Bird Club provides networking, funding and publishing opportunities for teams working within the 'Oriental' region.
The Ornithological Society of the Middle-East
African/Eurasian Migratory Water-bird agreement
BirdLife International Seabird Global Conservation Project
Desertification Information Network
International Species Information Service
United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation
European Centre for Nature Conservation
World Heritage Information Network
The Natural History Museum
The Nature Conservancy

The Environmental Education Network

Global Lake and Catchment Conservation Database
Ramsar Information about the International Convention on Wetlands
Wetlands International
International Year of the Ocean
The Coral Reef NGO Directory
Coral Cay Conservation
World Resources Institute -Reefs at Risk

Sources of funding information
Simbiota Gives information about 78 possible sources of funding for field biologists and conservationists conducting work in Latin America.

BirdLife International Partner Organisations

BirdLife International has Partner organisations in 61 countries, not all of them are bird focused. These can be a good starting point when you are trying to contact people, organisations and universities outside your own country.

Asociación Ornithológica del Plata
Belize Audobon Society
BirdLife Americas Regional Office
BirdLife Asia Partnership
Birds Australia
BirdLife Austria
BirdStudies Canada
The Bahamas National Trust
Réserves Naturelles et Ornithologiques de Belgiques de Belgique, RNOB
Canada Nature Federation
Chilean Ornithologists Union
Chinese Wild Bird Federation (Taiwan)
Dansk Orintologisk Forening
Fundacion Ornitologica del Ecuador, CECIA
Falkland Islands
BirdLife Finland
German society for the protection of nature NABU (Germany)
Gibraltar Ornithological and Natural History Society
Hong Kong Bird Watching Society
Hungary -'MME'
BirdLife Indonesia Programme
LIPU (Italy)
Gosse Bird Club (Jamaica)
Wild Bird Society of Japan
Lëtzebueger Natur-a Vulleschutzliga (LNVL) (Luxembourg)
Malaysian Nature Society
BirdLife Malta
CIPAMEX - Mexico
Norsk Ornitologisk Forening
Panama Audubon Society
Paraguay - Fundación Moisés Bertoni
Haribon Foundation for Conservation of Natural Resources (Philippines)
Romanian Ornithological Society
The Nature Society (Singapore)
BirdLife South Africa
SOF (BirdLife Partner in Sweden)
Switzerland (SVS)
DHKD Turkey
Royal Society for the Protectionof Birds, UK

Inter-Links - Links to five different sites which each list discussion groups available.
Cornell University.
Smithsonian Institute.
Mailbase - UK, Lists academic discussion groups based in the UK.

Apoya la conservación de las selvas del sur de México

Copyright @ 2002 Alejandro Estrada

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