
Alouatta (monos aulladores)

(hoja en construcción)

Laboratorio de Primatología, Estación de Biología Los Tuxtlas, IB-UNAM

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Agoramoorthy G. & R. Rudran. Adoption in free-ranging red howler mokey, Alouatta seniculus of Venezuela. 1992 Primates 33 4 551 - 555

Agoramoorthy G. & R. Rudran. Male dispersal among free-ranging red howler monkey (Alouatta seniculus) in Venezuela. 1993 Folia Primatologica 61 92 - 96

Agoramoorthy, G. & R. Rudran Infanticide by adult and subadult males in free-ranging red howler monkeys, Alouatta seniculus, in Venezuela. 1995 Ethology 99 75 - 88

Agoramoorthy, G. & Rudran Field application of telazol to immobilize wild red howler monkey (Alouatta seniculus) in Venezuela. 1994 Journal of wildlife dideases. 30 3 417 - 420

Agoramoorthy, G. Apparent feeding associations betwen Alouatta seniculus and Odocoileus virginianus in Venezuela. 1997 Mammalia 62 2 271 - 273

Alouatta caraya at Columbia Zoo" 1979 International Zoo Yearbook 19 150 - 155

Balcer, B. 1987 regional studbook howler monkey Alouatta carata. 1987 0

Baldwin J. D. & Baldwin J. I. Vocalizations of howler monkeys (Alouatta palliata) In southwestwern Panama. 1976 Folia primatológica 26 2 81-108

Baldwin J.D. & Baldwin J.I. Interaction between adult female and infant howling monkeys (Alouatta palliata) 1973 Folia Prima. 20 27-71

Bennett C. S., Anna M. Tercyak and Kenneth E. Glander. Plasma lipoproteins of freed-rancing howling monkeys (Alouatta palliata). 1987 Comp. Biochem physiol. 88 3 729 - 735

Benton L. Jr. The stablishment and husbandry of a black howler colony at Columbia zoo. 1976 Intern Zoo yearbook 16 149-152

Bernstein, I. S. A field study of the activities of howler monkeys 1964 Anim. Behav 12 92-97

Bicca- Marques, J. L. & C. Calgero-Marques. Food preferences by the black howler monkey (Alouatta caraya). 1996 Manuscrito 

Bicca-Marques, J. C. & Calegaro-Marques, C. Activity budget and diet of Alouatta caraya: an age-sex analysis. 1994 Folia Primatológica 63 316 - 320

Bicca-Marques, J. C. & Claegaro-Marques, C. Exotic plant species can serve as staple food sources for wild howler populations 1994 Folia Primatol. 63 209 - 211

Bicca-Marques, J. C. and C. Calegaro-Marques. Feeding behavior of the black howler monkey (Alouatta caraya) in a seminatural forest.  0

Bicca-Marques, J. C. A new southern limit for the distribution of Alouatta caraya in Rio Grande Do Sul State, Brazil. 1990 Primates 31 3 449 - 451

Bicca-Marques, J. C. Padrao de actividades diárias do bugio-preto Alouatta caraya (Primates, cebidae): uma análise temporal e bioenergética. 1993 Yamamoto, M. E., Sousa, M. B. C. (Eds.) a primatologia no Brasil. Natal, editora universitaria-Ufrn. 4 35 - 49

Bicca-Marques, J. C. Padrao de utlizacao de uma ilha de mata por Alouatta caraya (Primates: Cebidae). 1994 Rev. Brasil. Biol. 54 161 - 171

Bicca-Marques, J.C. Drinking behavior in the Black Howler Monkey (Alouatta caraya) 1992 Folia Primatol. 58 107-111

Bicca-Marques, Julio Cesar y Calegaro-Marques, Claudia. Feeding postures in the black howler monkey, Alouatta caraya. 1993 Folia primatologica 60 169 - 172

Bolin, I. Male parental behavior in black Howler monkeys (Alouatta palliata pigra) in Belize and Guatemala 1981 Primates 22 3 349-360

Bonvicino, C. R. Ecologia e comportamiento de Alouatta belzebul na mata atlantica 1989 Revista Nordestina de Biología 6 2 149-179

Bonvicino, C.R., Langguth A. And R.A. Mittermeier A study of pelage color and geographic distribution in alouatta belzebul 1989 Revista Nordestina de Biología 6 2 139-148

Braza F.; F. alvarez & T. Azcarate Behaviour of the red Howler Monkey (Alouatta seniculus) in the llanos of Venezuela 1981 Primates 22 4 459-473

Braza F.; F. alvarez and T. Azcarate Feeding habits of the red howler monkeys (alouatta seniculus) in the llanos of venezuela 1983 Mammalia 47 2 206-214

Brza F., Alvarez F., and Azcarate T. Behavior of the red howler monkey (Alouatta seniculus) in the llanos of Venezuela 1981 Primates 22 4 459-473

Brza F., Alvarez F., and Azcarate T. Feeding habits of the howler monkeys (Alouatta seniculus) in the llanos of Venezuela 1983 Mammalia 47 2

Calegaro-Marques C. And J.C. Bicca-Marques Allomatermnal care in the black Howler Monkey (Alouatta caraya) 1993 Folia primatol. 61 104-109

Canales e. e. y Garcia O. F. Clinic evaluation of Alouatta palliata in fragmented habitats 1993 American Journal of Primatology (Resumen) 30 4 302

Carpenter C.R. A field study of the bahavior and social relations of Howling monkeys Alouatta palliata 1934 Com. Psychol. Monograph 10 2 1-168

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Chapmann C. Behavioral development of howling monkey twins (Alouatta palliata) in Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica 1986 Primates 27 3 377-381

Chiarello A.G. & M. Galetti Conservation of the brown howler monkey in south.east  brazil 1994 Oryx 28 1 37-43

Chitolina, O.P. & M. Sander Contibuicao ao conhecimento da alimentacao de Alouatta guariba clamitans em habitat natural no Rio Grande do Sul 1981 Iheringia Ser. Zool. 59 37-44

Clarke M. R. Behavioral development and socialization of infants in a free ranging group of howling monkeys Alouatta palliata 1990 Folia primatol 54 1-15

Clarke M. R. Infanting killing and infant disappearance following male takeovers in a group of free ranging howling monkeys (Alouatta palliata) in Costa Rica 1983 Amer. J. Of Primatol 5 241-247

Clarke M.R. & Glander K.E. Adoption of infant howling monkeys Alouatta palliata 1981 Amer. J. Primatology 1 469-472

Clarke M.R. & Glander K.E. Female reproductive success in a group of free ranging howling monkeys Alouatta palliata in Costa Rica 1984 0 111-126

Clarke M.R. ,E.L. Zucker And Glander K.E. Group takeover by a natal male howling monkey (Alouatta palliata) and associated disapperance and injuries of inmatures 1994 Primates 35 4 435-442

Clarke, B. & R.C. Brockett Black howler monkey (Alouatta pigra) reintrodution program: population census and habitat assesment 1999 Neotropical Primates 7 2 51-53

Clarke, M.R. Et al. A comparison of methods for observing juvenile and group behavior in mantled howlers 2000 Laboratory Primate Newsletter 39 4

Coelho A. M. Jr. Activity paterns in howler and spider monkeys: an aplication of socio-bioenergetisc methods 1977 Symposium: Behavioral and morphological adaptations to diet among primates. 0 175-199

Coelho A. M. Jr. Energy budgets of guatemala Howler and spider monkeys, a socio/energetics analysis 1975 Ph D. Thesis U, of Texas, Austin 0

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Coelho A.M., Cohelho L.S.,  Bramblett C.A., Bramblett S.S., Quick L.B. Ecology, populations caracteristics and sympatric association in primates: A socio-bioenergetic analysis of howler and spider monkeys in tikal, Guatemala. 1976 Yearbook of Phys. Anthrop 20 96-135

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Collias N. &  C.H. Southwick A field study of population density and social organization in howler monkeys 1952 Philosophical society 96 2 143-156

Collias O.J. Brief reports-Repeated sedation of the howler monkey (Alouatta caraya) with ketamine hidrochloride 0 0 101

Coppo J.A. Valores hemáticos en el mono aullador (Alouatta caraya) y sus variaciones fisiológicas. 1978 Acta bioquímica clínica latinoamericana 12 2 97-115

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Cortes-Ortiz, L & M. Martinez Consideraciones sobre la organización social y el sistema de apareamiento de un grupo de monos aulladores, Alouatta palliata 1996 Neotropical Primates 4 2 59-61

Crockett C. M. Population studies of red howler monkeys (Alouatta seniculus) 1985 Nat . Geogr. Res. 0 264-273

Crockett C.M. &  J.F. Eisenburg Howlers, variations in group size and demography 1987 Primate societies , (Book) 0 54-68

Crockett M.C. & Janson C. H.. The cost of sociality in red howler monkeys: Infanticide or food competition 1993 Amer. J. Primatol 30 4 306

Crockett M.C. & T. Pope Inferring patterns of aggression from red howler monkeys injuries 1988 Amer. J. Primatol 15 289-308

Crockett M.C. Consequences of sex differences in dispersal for juvenile red howlers monkeys 0 Juvenile primates:Life history, development and behavior 0

Crockett M.C. Diet, dimorphism and demography: perspectives from howlers to hominids 1987 The evolution of human behavior: Primate models (book) 0 115-135

Crockett M.C. Howlers monkeys: Predictable males and fascinating females 1993 Amer. J. Primatol. 27 1 24

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Crockett, C.M. Emigration by female Red howler monkeys and the case for female competition 1984 In: Female Primates; Studies by Woman Primatologists  159-173

Crockett, C.M. The relatioship between Red Howler monkey troop size and population growth in two habitats 1996 In: Adaptive Radiations 0 489-510

De Figueiredo, R. A. Ingestion of Ficus enormis seeds by howler monkeys (Alouatta fusca) in Brazil: Effects on seed germination. 1993 Journal of Tropical Ecology 9 541 - 543

De Thoisy, B. & C. Richard-Hansen. Diet and social behavior changes in a red howler monkey (Alouatta palliata) troop in a highly degraded rain forest 1997 Folia primatologica 68 357 - 361

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Estrada, A. & Coates-Estrada, R. "Fruit eating and seed dispersal by howling monkeys (Alouatta palliata) in the tropical rain forest of ""Los Tuxtlas"", Mexico." 1984 American Journal of Primatology 6 77 - 91

Estrada, A. & Coates-Estrada, R. Aspects of ecological impact of Howling monkeys (Alouatta) on their habitat: A review. 1993 Estudios primatologicos en México. Vol. 1 Estrada,A., Rodriguez L., E., Lopez W., R. Y Coates-Estrada, R. (Eds). Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico. 0

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Estrada, A. & Coates-Estrada, R. Howler monkeys (Alouatta palliata), dung beetles (Scarabaeidae) and seed dispersal: ecological interactions in the tropical rain forest of Los Tuxtlas, Mexico. 1991 Journal of Tropical Ecology 7 459 - 474

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Estrada, A. A case of adoption of a howler monkey infant ( Alouatta villosa) by a female spider monkey ( Ateles geoffroyi). 1982 Primates 23 1 135 - 137

Estrada, A., Halffter, G., Coates-Estrada, R., Y Meritt Jr., D. A. Dung beetles attracted to mammalian herbivore(Alouatta palliata) and omnivore(Nasua narica) dung in the tropical rain forest of Los Tuxtlas, Mexico. 1993 Journal of Tropical Ecology. 9 45 - 54

Estrada, A., Juan-Solano, S., Ortiz-Martinez, T. & R. Coates-Estrada. Feeding and general activity patters of a howler monkey (Alouatta palliata) troop living in a forest fragment at Los Tuxtlas, Mexico. 1999 American Journal of Primatology 47 167 - 183

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Fedigan, L. M., Fedigan Laurence and Chapman Colin. A census of Alouatta palliata and Cebus capuchinus monkeys in Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica. 1985 Brenesia 23 309 - 322

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Galetti M., F. Perdoni and L. P. C. Morellato. Diet of the brown Howler Monkey Alouatta fusca in a forest fragment in south-eastern Brazil. 1994 Mammalia 58 1 111 - 118

Garcia Chiarello, A. Activity pattern of the brown howler monkey Alouatta fusca in a forest fragment of Southeastern Brazil 1993 Primates 34 3

García Chiarello, A. Home range of the brown howler monkey, Alouatta fusca, in a forest fragment of Southeastern Brazil 1993 Folia primatologica 60 173 - 175

Garcia Chiarelo,  A. Grooming in brown howler monkeys 1995 American Journal of primatology 35 73-81

Garcia Chiarelo,  A. Role of loud calls in brown howlers. Alouatta fusca 1995 American Journal of primatology 36 213-222

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Hirabuki, Yoshihko and K. Izawa Chemical properties of soils eaten by wild red howler monkeys (Alouatta seniculus) : preliminary study 1990 Field studies of new world monkeys, La macarena colombia 3 25-28

Horwich R. & K. Gebhard. Roaring Rhythms in black howler monkeys (alouatta pigra) of Belize 1983 Primates 24 2 290-296

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Horwich R. Species status of the black howler monkey, Alouatta pigra, of Belize 1983 Primates 24 2 288-289

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